Able to Control the Emotion, This Woman Lives Happily

Since joining the training of Parenting with Love in Pandemic Condition, Tunawati (33 years old), as an assisted mother of Area Program Landak of Wahana Visi Indonesia got a new understanding of how to take care of the children. She used to be short-tempered and said harsh words to her son. But, in the present, the habit has gradually changed.
“Before I knew about WVI and participated in the Parenting with Love in Pandemic Season training, I do not know how to understand children,” Tunawati said.
She admits that now she can control her emotion and be more patient with her son. She no longer has harsh words said to her son even though he made mistakes. All the materials she got from the training are implemented in her parenting style at home.
“Ever since my behavior is changed, my child's feelings are also changed into more positive which helps us to have a better quality relationship. We then become closer when we have more often time to spend together. I usually spend my time with him like telling a story or accompanying him in the study,” revealed Tunawati.
In addition, her son behaviour's has also changed. Ever since her son was introduced to WVI and involved in the activity, he also participated in the child forum in the village. That activity makes Tunawati’s son becomes more confident. He was quite shy and had difficulty starting friendships with others, but now he can speak up about his opinion in front of the public and also have more friends.
“Moreover, I see him becoming more polite to us as his parents,” she explained.
Tunawati feels grateful and thankful to WVI for giving accompaniment to her and her child. The knowledge and the assisted program from WVI have taught her to do parenting with love and to not do any more violence against children.
“I am happy because I can handle my emotion, say fruitful words, and have a good quality time with my son. These changes make my child grows happily,” she concluded.