Almost 1 Year of Pandemic, Learning Assistance from Home Still Needs to be Done

It is almost a year since the Covid-19 pandemic has occurred, and study from home is still a burden for parents. Parents and children are unable to find effective and efficient methods to implement study from home. This issue has made Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Kubu Raya Program Area initiate to give assistance and training for parents.
WVI conducts a Reading Awareness program to help parents understand how to assist their children to continue doing school from home during a pandemic. The beneficiaries also get five educational books that can attract children's reading interest. These books can be used by parents in reading corners so that children can take advantage of their free time by reading.
About 70 parents have joined the Reading Awareness program. In collaboration with SDN 22 LIngga Dalam, the school mobilized the school committee to take part in this face-to-face training.
One of them is Maria Lyot (34), a participant and also beneficiary. Mother of Clara (7) started practicing what she got from training and mentoring with WVI. Maria immediately created a reading corner for Clara.
"Clara started decorating the reading corner with her drawings, and Clara was excited," said Maria.
After finishing the reading corner, Maria also arranged a reading schedule for Clara. Every day in the afternoon, Maria and Clara spend time reading books together. Clara's inadequate reading skills are complemented by Maria who reads a book for her beloved daughter.
Maria saw Clara's enthusiasm in every reading activity in the reading corner. Every now and then Clara asked about the meaning of the story that was read by Maria. Clara began to re-learn spelling until she had read all five books.
Written by: David Pandapotan, Area Program Manager for Kubu Raya Wahana Visi Indonesia