Anwar the "Foster" Father

There was something different about the Parenting with Love (PDC) training facilitated by Wahana Visi Indonesia in a village in Landak Regency on that afternoon. Among the participants present, there was a man who was the only PDC participant. Another unique thing, the man admitted that he had never been married, but had raised two children.
Anwar (52) decided to raise and care for his two nephews who had been neglected by his own younger brother by himself. There was a sad story behind his decision to do that, and he told all about it at the training.
“I raised my two nephews as it is. I don't have much free time for them. I also discipline them by scaring them when they make mistakes such as picking up wood to pretend to hit them even though I've never actually hit them,” said Anwar about his parenting experience.
Anwar admitted that he only cared about his nephew's food, health, and education needs without paying attention to proper parenting. Economic difficulties and being the breadwinner for the family, make it often difficult for Anwar to meet the needs of his foster children. As a result, Anwar's parenting pattern was not optimal.
However, Anwar got something different after participating in the PDC training with WVI.
“I know that as a caregiver I need to give quality time to my children so that our communication that has not been going well can be closer. In addition, I learned not to stigmatize by saying things that demean children when I am angry,” he explained.
For Anwar, his nephews are the same as his children. He is willing to fight to raise his two foster children to have a better life in the future. Anwar believes, with the application of PDC from the training he received, Anwar's relationship with his two foster children will be better.
"I know these children will one day see my selfless struggle ... I want they can grow as good children," he concluded.
Written by: Rista Matondang, CESP Coordinator of Landak Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia