ASCA, Sembalun Residents' New Hope

ASCA (Accumulating Saving and Credit Association) is one of Wahana Visi Indonesia's (WVI) programs which was built to improve household economic management capabilities through a simple community-based savings and loan system. Since 2020, WVI in the Lombok area has introduced ASKA to the people of Sembalun District, East Lombok Regency to be able to group and independently build a simple financial service.
In 2021, Wahana Visi Indonesia in collaboration with BNP Paribas through the BNP Paribas IDX30 Philanthropy Index Mutual Fund Social Fund added a new ASKA group in three WVI assisted villages in the Sembalun District. This was enthusiastically welcomed by residents in Sembalun, one of whom was Wida (29).
Wida is a household member who is almost always active in the WVI program. Currently, Wida is interested in being involved in the ASKA group that was formed in her village.
“I learned about ASCA from WVI staff who introduced it to our residents. Before ASCA was introduced by WVI, I already knew and knew ASCA but at that time I had not joined the ASCA group and now I have joined the plan to set aside money for children's future needs, especially for school needs," said Wida
During the three months, this program was running and the ASCA group was formed, the community received many positive impacts. Not only as an association where they can save once a week, but ASKA also makes them closer to each other. ASCA members even often do activities such as gymnastics or eating together. This program is well received by its members.
"After joining the ASCA group, I became more consistent in saving and not being wasteful in spending money and having cash other than what my husband gave me," said Yanti, another ASCA member.
Wida also revealed that the existing ASCA group is functioning properly and regularly, starting from the structure, transparency in finances, etc.
“It has worked well and the benefits have been proven. Now more and more fans. ASCA can help us (housewives) to save money and save money," concluded Wida.
By now, five additional ASCA groups with 160 members have been formed through this program.
Written by: Siluh Puspita, Staff of Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response Wahana Visi Indonesia