Asmat Community Successfully Saves for Children's Wellbeing

In collaboration with the community, WVI is assisting three districts in Asmat, Papua, to develop the Saving for Transformations (S4T) programme. As of September 2023, the community in Asmat has successfully conducted S4T in two stages.
Before this programme implemented, the Asmat community could not manage their finances well. Let alone saving money, utilising existing money for children's needs was rare. The money often went to things that had nothing to do with children, such as buying cigarettes or betel nut.
S4T is a good saving solution to change this habit because this programme does not require a special place to hold meetings. There is no need for special data like when you want to become a customer at a bank. Nor does it require a large amount of money to be saved. What is needed is the group's agreement and commitment to save money to support the wellbeing of their children.
In both the first and second stages, S4T members in Asmat have routinely saved money at every meeting and, most importantly, utilised the savings to buy school supplies for their children or other household needs. In addition, S4T in Asmat has given women the role of group leader. Mama Beatrix, is an leader in one of the districts in Asmat who has led the running of ASKA from the beginning until now. "I would like to thank WVI for training us to save money. This is the second time and my savings are quite a lot, I can also buy Christmas clothes for the children at home," said Mama Beatrix.
Having experienced the benefits of saving in S4T, which is simple yet profitable, the Asmat community plans to continue the programme and even improve what has so far not been optimal. The S4T group that has been formed hopes that in the future this savings can be 100% useful for the whole family. Therefore, the group agreed to tighten the rules if any of its members are not committed to saving, they will be expelled from membership. The role of the ASKA board will also become more active and continue to receive assistance from WVI staff at every meeting.
With the spirit of saving for the welfare of children, ASKA members in Asmat are shouting, "Let's save for children's future!".
Author: Maksimus Asrul (Field Facilitator in Asmat Area Programme)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)