Capacity Beyond Disability - No More Turning a Blind Eye to Child Protection Issues

Supriadin, the head of the PATBM (Integrated Community-Based Child Protection) group in the village, is focused on listening to his wife's voice as she reads something. That day, the man known as Adin will lead a discussion on child protection with parents in his village. The material he would deliver at the event was what his wife read first. Adin was born with a visual impairment. Therefore, whenever he has to give socialization, lead discussions, or attend trainings, his wife will first read out the materials that Adin needs to learn.
"The limitations should not restrict me to make changes in the community and do something, because I know that God created humans with their own weaknesses and strengths," said Adin.
Adin's initiative and participation in alleviating violence against children has contributed to the 2021 Child Friendly District assessment. The Village PATBM that Adin leads succeeded in bringing Parigi Moutong District to the Pratama level for the Child-Friendly District title, the only one in Central Sulawesi.
"Meeting WVI gave me many new insights. I was invited to join the Basic Leadership Training (LDK) as a representative of the village youth organization in 2012. Until 2014, I received a lot of training on child mentoring. After I returned to the village in 2019, I again received training on PATBM from DP3AP2KB Parigi Moutong District facilitated by WVI," Adin said.
WVI and Adin go hand in hand, partnering so that children in the village can grow up in a non-violent environment. In addition, the children can also see Adin's figure reflecting inclusive participation. That even a visually impaired person can be empowered and become a pioneer for the protection of children in the village.
"The reason I want to become a PATBM activist is to provide parents with an understanding of child protection, especially violence against children. My concerns is that in my neighborhood there are still child marriages, children affected by drugs, children dropping out of school, and there are still children who do not have birth certificates," he said.
To address this problem, Adin with other PATBM members in the village developed several activities that have been implemented. He initiated the socialization of PATBM to 14 villages in the sub-district. The village itself supports PATBM by issuing a Village Decree.
Over the past 3 years, the Village PATBM group has carried out many activities in the community. For example, socialization to prevent violence against children, awareness to parents about good parenting, and also activities with children through socialization of how to protect themselves from the threat of violence that can occur in their closest environment. Adin and other activists are committed to resume these activities on child protection to the community, including children, as an effort to prevent violence against children which currently often occurs in the community. Especially because violence against children is often committed by those closest to the child.
With his capacity that goes beyond the disability, Adin will continue to voice that everyone can treat, educate, guide, discipline, and protect children. This is very influential in maximizing the growth and development of children and shaping children's character in accordance with the correct norms and values. "And my hope, if there is violence against children, be it physical, psychological, especially sexual violence, whether it occurs at home or school, do not hesitate or be afraid to report the incident. Because children are the next generation of the nation. Child protection is our responsibility, so it requires the roles of all parties to protect children in order to realize a child-friendly village," he concluded.
Author: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)
Contributor: Indra Suwarto (Parigi Moutong AP’s staff)