Children's Story: It Turns Out I Can Grow

Hello, my name is Nopera. I am 17 years old, the eldest of two. My father works as a temporary employee and my mother is a housewife. I want to tell you about my development progress since joining the local child's forum (FAD).
Before being active in FAD, I didn't know how to express my opinion so that it could be easily understood by others. I also didn't know about the existence of a forum for aspirations for children that could provide justice to children.
After I joined FAD, I met new friends. I also know and understand cases of violence that occur to children, how to give tips so that we as children get relationships that have a positive impact and that children's voices and aspirations are prioritized. The rights and obligations of children are also highly accepted by adults, although not yet fully.
The positive impact that I feel is that I am more confident to convey my ideas, and opinions as a child to friends and society. I know what if there is a case of violence against children to report it to the authorities. I also got an increased capacity in making creative and fun games so that in a discussion room it is not boring.
One thing that concerns me is the case of sexual abuse of women and children. I have previously stated this in the Child Led Research training held by Wahana Visi Indonesia, because it has a very large negative impact, especially on victims who can end up committing suicide because they get a crime that disturbs the victim's mentality. Cases like this have not been taken seriously by the community and government and are seen as Rape Culture so that victims do not get justice but get victim-blaming by the community.
I see the need for this case to be taken seriously because the impact and consequences are very fatal if this case is not handled properly. As a good and wise social media user, I also take advantage of this by sharing information, education about women and children that I share through Instagram and Whatsapp, which reads:
“Children can also give their ideas and aspirations as the next generation of the nation that needs to be acknowledged and considered as their opinion. The age difference is not an obstacle for everyone to speak up for humanity."
Thank you, Wahana Visi Indonesia for always supporting, listening to our voices and aspirations as children. Also supports in developing our capabilities. My hope in the future is that Wahana Visi Indonesia will always provide very interesting activities for children's forums.
Written by: Noperia, Member of the Children's Forum assisted by Area Program Landak Wahana Visi Indonesia