Children's Voices for the Best Service in the Village

The Gaperta Children's Forum (FA) in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan is one of the FAs whose formation was facilitated by Wahana Visi Indonesia. Due to the many problems with children in this village (eg: children dropping out of school, child marriage, and child labor) and the absence of a budget from the government, FA Gaperta cannot run its program. Until one day, the FA was invited to contribute to Citizen's Voice and Action (CVA) activities that involved all aspects of society.
FA Gaperta is considered important to express his opinion on behalf of the children in the village. Pahmi (16), chairman of FA Gaperta stepped in to become a representative in the activity.
“The role of the Children's Forum is still recognized in this CVA. My participation is taken into account when filling out the Score Card,” said Pahmi.
At first, Pahmi did not understand when he was invited by the village government to participate in the Citizen's Voice and Action activity. At that time all that crossed his mind was a long stage and several meetings. However, Pahmi is grateful that she finally understands the purpose of this process.
According to him, the facilitators always repeat the objectives of the activity each time they start a meeting. Pahmi remembers that with CVA, people in the village will have easier access to service providers and vice versa, the quality of service providers will improve.
For Pahmi, the gradual process of CVA is very interesting, but according to him, the most interesting is the Assessment Card stage. Pahmi explained that at this stage Pahmi could voice children's voices regarding the Minimum Service Standards for handling cases of violence against children.
Pahmi's hopes were even greater when preparing the Joint Action Plan. One thing he wants to raise is that there is a village budget for the FA in the village. In addition, Pahmi wants FA to be more involved in village meetings that discuss children's problems.
"I want to escort it to the district level later... Hopefully, more and more people will take part in the Citizens' Voice and Action activities, so that our voices will be heard more," hoped Pahmi.
Written by: Tuhu Sandiko, Child Protection Program Coordinator for Wahana Visi Indonesia's Sambas Program Area