Child's Forum Member Speak Up about Children Issues

Three representatives of the Raflesia Child's Forum conveyed their voices and hopes to the South Bengkulu Regency government regarding various issues related to children. One of them is asking the government to provide education related to Covid-19 vaccination to children considering the many fake news that spread among children and the community. The children also asked the government to provide reading facilities, involve children's forums in Musrenbang, and take firm action on bullying practices in schools.
Responding to this, Deputy Regent H Rifa'I Tajudin said that vaccination is currently the main responsibility of the government, that the government's participation is needed to convey information to children who are eligible to be vaccinated.
"We have also responded to several youth problems with the Police, such as illegal racing, the use of illegal drugs. We will encourage the proposal for the participation of children in Musrenbang at the village, sub-district, and district levels," he said.
The PKK Mobilizing Team for South Bengkulu Regency, Nurmalena Gusnan, who was present at the event, also responded to the requests of the members of the children's forum by inviting every child and various parties to campaign for the prevention of early marriage and bringing this issue to the level of the Musrenbang forum.
WVI South Bengkulu Area Program Manager Jhon Eris Purba also supports this.
“What we do today to continue the National Action Plan according to the PPPA Ministerial Regulation No. 02 of 2010 concerning the cessation of violence against children. On this occasion, I encourage the local government to form the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA),” explained Jhon.
This aspiration was conveyed right on the commemoration of National Children's Day in Manna City, as a form of collaboration between Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) and the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection, yesterday (22/09/21). At this event, the Declaration on the End of Violence against Children was also signed.
This event was also attended by representatives of children with special needs and provided opportunities for children to have a dialogue with the deputy regent and his staff. Symbolically, the handover of wheelchairs was also carried out as the fulfillment of children's basic needs. WVI invites all components not to neglect the most vulnerable children.
Written by: John Eris Purba, South Bengkulu Area Program Manager Wahana Visi Indonesia