Citizen Voice and Action as a Solution to Improve Service Quality in the Village

Fataatu Village in Ende Regency, NTT already has community service facilities such as integrated health post (posyandu) or water facilities. Unfortunately, these facilities are often not utilized optimally due to the village government's low attention and the villagers' knowledge. As a result, the residents themselves cannot get the benefit of the facilities.
Based on that, Wahana Visi Indonesia Area Program Ende concerns and tries to act as an intermediary as well as provide solutions to the government and villagers through the provision of the Citizen Voice and Action approach which is participated by all villagers and village officials. This program is carried out by collecting the aspirations of the villagers through the Performance Assessment Card method.
Water committee services, posyandu, and the issue of the low number of birth certificates were some of the things discussed at the meeting. Several problems arise, such as the absence of a budget from the village government for the residents' water infrastructure, the low awareness of the residents to maintain water facilities, incomplete posyandu facilities and equipment, and the lack of awareness of parents to bring their children to the posyandu.
Bayolus Misa (46), Secretary of Fataatu Village was one of those who attended the meeting. He saw that with the Performance Assessment Card method, everyone was free to have an opinion and assess the performance of the water committee, posyandu, and village government, and provide solutions.
“This method is not only criticism but there is also a way out, namely a proposal for improvement. It is very open and we are open to each other, so I believe there will be improvements if we all dare to imitate and dare to give solutions,” explained Bayolus.
He added that criticism and suggestions from the villagers would later be accommodated by the village government to be adjusted to village finances, given the large number of village budgets that were cut due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Bayolus hopes that the proposals given by the residents can also be presented to the Village Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbangdes).
"We as the village government will continue to improve ourselves if there are deficiencies. Thank you to WVI for accompanying us all this time, including for today's activities," he concluded.
Written by: Yohanes Brechmans Tanaboleng, WASH Coordinator of Ende Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia