Commemorating National Children's Day with Full Awareness

Usually, the celebration of big holidays in Indonesia is only a celebration, but there is no full awareness of the meaning and history of these big days. Even though big days can be a time to reflect and make resolutions for a better future, we need to instill this mindset to commemorate National Children's Day with full awareness.
The History of National Children's Day in Indonesia
Children are an important element in society; they are the hope for future generations. In order to achieve the golden generation, it is our duty and responsibility to provide the best education for children so that they can build a superior generation in the future. The history of National Children's Day also reflects this spirit.
An important day to commemorate children throughout Indonesia was a proposal from the Indonesian Women’s Congress, which in 1951 proposed establishing a day to commemorate children. Previously known as National Children's Day, it took place in 1952. The president at the time, Ir. Sukarno, personally welcomed the celebration with a parade at the Merdeka Palace on that day. Following the first celebration, the planning for the next year became more serious.
National Children's Day itself has undergone the following changes:
Originally, there was no set date for Children's Day; it was a yearly event. We usually choose the second week of July as the appointment time because it coincides with class promotions, making it a holiday period. The 1953 Kowani Session in Bandung determined this time.
The designation of Children's Days, specifically from June 1 to 3, began in 1959. In Indonesia, people celebrate that day as Children's Day. The reason for setting the time 1-3 June is because it is close to the birthday of the president of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Soekarno, who was born on June 6. In addition, the international celebration of Children's Day coincides with this date.
Meanwhile, the next change is when the new order stipulates that Children's Day is celebrated on July 23.
The National Children's Day is Viewed Through the Protections Outlined in the Law
As previously mentioned, we should greet Children's Day with full awareness. The application of this awareness is, of course, centered on the rights that children have under existing laws in Indonesia. By examining this, one can comprehend the role of the state in safeguarding children who belong to vulnerable groups.
According to Indonesian law, children have the following rights:
Law No. 4 of 1979 stipulates and protects children's rights. Some of the protections provided for children in the first regulation, which discusses child protection, are the rights to welfare, care, and love. Therefore, it is evident that children are entitled to receive the best care, love, and fulfillment of their needs from their families.
The second right that children have is to receive services that can enhance their abilities and social lives. Children need a robust social life to effectively integrate into society.
Children's rights also include receiving protection and care from the womb until after they are born.
Children's rights also require a comfortable and safe environment in which to grow and develop.
The New Order government carried out a children's rights convention on September 5, 1990, ratifying the law on children's rights. Regulations according to Presidential Decree No. 36 of 1990 provide decisions that can strengthen child protection. Meanwhile, during the first presidential period in Indonesia, Megawati Soekarno Putri passed law number 23 in 2002.
Protection of children's rights began with the statement of children's rights in 1923 by Eglantyne Jebb. It's crucial to comprehend the extent of children's rights, enabling their actualization, and aiding in the celebration of National Children's Day, fully cognizant of the entitlement’s children possess:
Children have the right to a name and citizenship. Therefore, your parents can bestow upon you a desirable name after your birth.
Children can obtain a nationality, which will provide protection if they have the status of a citizen of a certain nation.
Children also need to receive fair and equal treatment without discrimination due to age, gender, etc.
Children need to have the right to protection, education, play, and even the recreation they need.
Children must not only have the right to food and health but also actively participate in the necessary development.
The Benefits of Celebrating National Children's Day
The commemoration of National Children's Day can certainly remind you of the history of the struggle and then reflect on the challenges faced in fighting for children's rights in Indonesia. The celebration of Children's Day should instill a sense of awareness and inspire us to strive for a better future for children.
The benefits of celebrating your own children's day include serving as a reminder and providing various other benefits, as follows:
The benefits of commemorating Children's Day in Indonesia include enhancing societal awareness and understanding about the protection that children need and can provide. Every major day, there will be a narrative that provides information about that day in order to raise public awareness.
Celebrating Children's Day can also benefit the government by facilitating policy changes in response to community wishes. As more people become aware of the importance of child protection, it will be possible to encourage changes in existing policies in government-level programs.
Every year, we celebrate Children's Day to show appreciation for the efforts children have made. We aim to express our gratitude to all those who strive to safeguard children in Indonesia.
Several organization, including Wahana Visi Indonesia, are actively fighting for the rights and protection of children. We aim to celebrate National Children's Day, mindful of the ongoing need to uphold children's rights in Indonesia for a brighter future. For those who want to join in the struggle to make children in Indonesia have a better future as the next generation, you can join the various programs that we offer at Wahana Visi Indonesia.