Contextual Character Education to Eliminate Violence in School

Do violence in educating students at school is often considered normal. This phenomenon still happens in some areas of Indonesia, such as NTT. These facts have made Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) West Manggarai Program Area start implementing contextual character education programs with the spirit of Natas Bate Labar in West Manggarai, NTT.
The program is accepted by schools and parents. In just one year, one school has even been proficient in increasing the role of teachers in educating children in schools. Through the program, teachers are continuously provided with dissemination, while students are continuously assisted by WVI in developing their creativity according to their interests and talents.
Delsi (12 yo), a student, admitted that she often felt not free to express herself at school. After participating in this program, Delsi began to have the opportunity to provide input on school development efforts through the evaluation process using the child search method. Children are also involved in the process of making school development plans. Delsi is one of the most active children and likes to be involved in any of the activities referred to.
Through this empowerment opportunity, school institutions have begun to implement pro-protection and child participation rules. The school environment is improved by making various kinds of writing, slogans, and symbols with pedagogical nuances both in the classroom, on the school walls, and on the school grounds.
This program also receives support from students, parents, and the local community. They see and feel the changes that occur in children and school institutions. Apart from parents, the village government, the church is also very open and supportive by always being ready to work together regarding efforts to develop children's creativity and school institutions.
In 2020, the school where Delsi studied has declared itself a child-friendly school and a smoke-free school environment. This declaration was attended and signed by the school, parents' representatives, and witnessed by the local village government.
Delsi said, "With the presence of WVI, we feel very helped. We can be more active, open, and have the courage to express opinions. We are also proud to be involved in school planning and school evaluation. During the presence of WVI, we are also often involved in activities to develop interests and talents. We also thank WVI because, during the Covid-19 pandemic, WVI is still trying to assist our teachers online. And we children are also cared for by WVI by providing masks, soap, and towels which are very useful for us to maintain our own health. "
WVI continues to carry out contextual character education programs in several service areas throughout Indonesia. Through this program, it is hoped that every child, parent, and educator will understand how to realize children's rights and participation from an early age at school and at home.
Written by: Ignasius Yulianto, Project Coordinator in the West Manggarai Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia