Contingency Plans to Protect Villages from Covid-19

Teluk Bakung Village is one of the assisted villages of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Kubu Raya Program Area which has abundant natural resource potential. This high potential of natural resources triggers many investors to set up their businesses in this village through the plantation, agriculture, industry, livestock, and other productive businesses. Apart from having an impact on improving the welfare of the community, it also harms social problems due to the large number of migrants from other areas who have entered this village.
In the disaster aspect, Teluk Bakung Village already has a Destana (Disaster Response Village) team whose work has established many relationships with the government and the business world in carrying out disaster management actions. This area already has a contingency document as a reference in case of a disaster.
On February 26, 2021, WVI collaborated with the Teluk Bakung Village government to increase community capacity related to Covid-19, as well as assisting in the preparation of a contingency plan document. This training was motivated by a lack of public knowledge about Covid-19.
"The Covid-19 Task Force has been formed in Teluk Bakung Village and has even received a decree from the village head. However, we do not yet know the duties and responsibilities because we have never received training,” said Ignasius Dundus, Head of Destana Teluk Bakung Village.
Legally, the Covid-19 Task Force at Teluk Bakung Village is easier to play its role in preventing and overcoming Covid-19 because it has great support from the village government, it's just that their contribution has not been maximal. The assistance provided by WVI through training sessions helped the task force team carry out its functions optimally.
Participants are invited to identify disaster risks based on threats, vulnerabilities, and capacities of the community.
"So far we are used to making flood contingency documents, but now we have learned a lot about how to make contingency documents about Covid-19," added Ignasius.
The process of making these documents involves volunteers, the village government, and the community. This will have implications for the accuracy of the data, both demographic data and data on field conditions. Furthermore, various inputs from the community will be processed and adjusted to the conditions of the Teluk Bakung Village area to become a Disaster Management Document which becomes a reference for the community.
Documents can be used for steps and appropriate action plans in the event of an increase in status to the red zone of Covid-19. This document will be disseminated to the community so that every element in Teluk Bakung Village knows what to do in the event of a disaster, especially Covid-19.
Written by: Widiyanto Kristiawan, CESP Program Area Coordinator Kubu Raya Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia