Contribution of the Child's Forum for Children in Alor Regency

Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), the assisted area of âÂÂâÂÂthe Alor Regency, may be proud. After the success of the customary simplification program, WVI has succeeded in supporting children at the Alor Child Forum (Forum Anak Alor/FAA), so that the FAA has the opportunity to be invited to the Alor Regency Development Planning Discussion (Musrenbang) of 2021 on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. Two representatives of FAA attended and one of them also signed the minutes of the Musrenbang. Dina, who was present to sign the minutes, felt grateful to be involved in the 2021 Alor Regency Musrenbang.
"I hope that in the coming year we will continue to be involved in the Musrenbang. Not only when signing the official report for the endorsement of proposals in the Musrenbang, but also participating in the formulation,” said Dina.
Dina felt a significant change after joining the FAA. She was a shy person and finds it difficult to get along with other people. She has changed since she was active in the FAA.
“After I joined the Village Child Forum I was taught many things that were beneficial for me and the people around me. Slowly I was taught and continuously encouraged to become a more confident person so that I became more courageous when I was and spoke in public. Now I have started to have the courage to socialize but in constructive associations,” she said.
The high school student did not think that her decision to join the FAA would continue to shape her personality for the better. Various FAA activities have brought Dina's mental and public speaking skills to perfection. She increasingly understands the rights of the child that children should also know. The moment of attending the Musrenbang is one of the things that makes Dina even more proud to be at the FAA.
FAA is one of the many children's forums assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia in the service area. This children's forum was formed in 2010 and has received official recognition through the ratification and issuance of the Alor Regent's Decree in 2013. Apart from the FAA, currently, WVI also continues to assist the Village Children Forum in five villages in the Alor Regency area.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer and Staff of Alor Project Wahana Visi Indonesia