Controversy That Leads to Inspiration

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - The Apresiasi Kampong Siaga Covid-19 Ternate Paleng Bae event is one of a thousand Covid-19 emergency response program ideas for the North Maluku region, especially in Ternate City. This idea arose from the many Desa Siaga Covid-19 formed by the BPBD of Ternate City to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), which is also a member of the Ternate Covid-19 Task Force on Prevention, sees that the action of the Alert Village Task Force is still not maximal in conducting Covid-19 prevention efforts at the lowest level, namely the district level. Covid-19 Kampong Siaga Competition in Ternate needs to be held to stimulate the Village Task Force to be more active in conducting prevention efforts at the community level.
The idea of ??the race was approved by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Ternate City to be implemented immediately. The draft publication was created and circulated through the Task Force group's short message. However, the draft publications have been circulating on social media and caused controversy. There were those who refused, but there were also those who supported the planned activity. Until finally a process of clarification was made to the mass media and this activity continued.
Fifteen urban villages from 6 sub-districts participated in this activity by sending photos and short videos to social media (Facebook) Ternate Covid-19 Task Force. The Assessment Team from the Ternate City Task Force Prevention Team conducted an assessment and decided on the winner.
North Maluku Regional Police Chief as Deputy Chairperson of the North Maluku Province Covid-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling, Ternate Mayor as Head of Task Force and accompanied by Dandim 1501/Ternate, Ternate Police Chief representing Deputy Head of the Task Force for the Coordination of Covid-19 Ternate City and Moringa Project Team Leader (accompanied by Dandim 1501 / Ternate) More Income Generated for Poor Families in Indonesia) WVI North Maluku presented awards in the Room of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 Ternate City to 6 villages selected as winners.
"Alhamdulillah, we are happy for the award that we received as a Village with the Paleng Bae Task Force. We deserve this award because indeed we in the field really work without any element of imaging. And we do all that for the good of our village community, "said Ichsan as Gamalma Village Chief who became one of the winning representatives.
Mayor of Ternate Burhan Abdurahman as Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Ternate in his speech expressed his gratitude to WVI and the Task Force for Covid-19 Ternate City who had jointly initiated an appreciation activity for the Urban Task Force.
Charles Frans, Area Program Manager of Ternate WVI said, "The appreciation of the Covid-19 Kampong Siaga in Ternate city is one form of Wahana Visi Indonesia's commitment supported by the Australian Government through the Moringa Project in North Maluku in supporting the Ternate City government to strengthen the Task Force Covid-19 at the village level. It is also at the same time to share positive and innovative activities carried out with the independence of citizens. This is expected to be a good example for Task Force at other district levels in Ternate City or even in other regions in Indonesia who are trying to fight Covid-19."
The activity that initially invited the controversy finally received appreciation from the provincial level, in this case, represented by the Kapolda who gave a charter to each winner and also the Ternate City government.
"WVI first innovates. So, we are a step further thanks to WVI," Mudardin the Head of Prevention said at the event.
Written by: Purwono Budhi Rahmadi, S.Psi, Team Leader of Moringa Project North Maluku Wahana Visi Indonesia