DoctorSHARE Helps Papuans Access Health Services

The COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 until today has resulted in the limited mobility of many people, including accessing health services. This is also experienced by the people of Jayawijaya regency, Papua province. Many people are afraid to come to the health center for treatment because of the fear of being infected by COVID-19. The reluctance of this community to examine their health certainly raises its concerns because it can worsen the condition of the disease if it is not treated immediately.
To respond to this situation, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) which is fully supported by the DoctorSHARE Foundation held a social service in the form of free medical examinations and treatment in Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency in mid-October 2021. About 400 residents came to this activity. This activity was carried out by implementing health protocols so that it was safe for participants.
One of the participants in the free medical treatment, Herman, 47, was happy to be able to participate in this activity. Herman received minor surgery for lipomas on the left and right waist.
“All this time I wanted to go to the hospital for surgery but was afraid of getting sick and concerned about the cost too. After receiving information about free treatment, we immediately came. It was not as I imagined. It did not hurt at all,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Dokter Peduli Foundation said that they were happy because the residents wanted to participate in this activity. Besides free medical examinations and treatment, there are also minor surgical services provided to the community. The condition of the residents who received this minor surgical service will then be monitored by WVI after the activity ends.
Written by Joko Prasetyo, Area Program Manager Jayawijaya