Doing Virtual Activities, Who's Afraid

One year of the Covid-19 pandemic has passed, but the community still has limited activities. Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Simokerto Program Area is one that also limits face-to-face assistance activities for children and the community. Even so, the children's enthusiasm for activities with WVI never died down, until finally, WVI did some interesting activities virtually.
One of them is by carrying out Children's Talent Interest Activities, as a way for children to be able to carry out activities according to their interests even at home. Writing training and English language interest training were the themes that were carried out in this activity.
Even though it took place virtually, the children enjoyed this event. At least 30 children assisted by WVI in Simolawang Village took part in the event which took place in January 2021. Furthermore, as the activities progressed, the children began to get used to doing activities online.
Nurhayati, one of the SAS (Sahabat Anak Simokerto) cadres explained that one of the children assisted by her continued to participate in the activity even though the child was accompanying her parents to return to the village.
"Aisyah is very excited to follow her interest in English talent. He tries to keep up with the activities every week. Even when his parents invited him to go to Madura where there is no signal, he looked for a high place to get a signal to continue to be able to participate in the interest and talent activities, ”he said, telling of the enthusiasm of the children he assisted.
The Children's Interest and Talent activity ended last March. Based on the testimonies from the child participants, they said they were happy to be able to participate in this activity. Vincent (12), for example, admitted that he had benefited during the three months of studying with WVI.
"I am happy to take part in the English talent interest activity to improve my understanding of English so that I can get good grades in school," said Vincent.
This activity is also one of the efforts made by WVI so that children can learn to develop their potential even though they are still in a pandemic condition.
Written by: Nuzly Huda, Field Facilitator Simokerto Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia