Don't Ignore, It's a Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for a year there are still many people who do not understand, even deliberately ignore, the implementation of health protocols recommended by the government. Seeing this fact, Andi Ida Farida (50), a child protection cadre of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, did not want to remain silent. Using the calendar that WVI gave her, Ida moved to provide counseling to the community.
The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on children and families in the neighborhood where Ida lives. Many adults and children have to be hospitalized or go into independent isolation due to Covid-19. Ida felt the need to remind residents regarding this health protocol.
Ida approached residents one by one and explained to them how important it is to enforce health protocols by bringing the calendar. The calendar used by Ida is an information education communication (IEC) material related to Covid-19 provided by WVI to remind the public of the Covid-19 pandemic.
When walking around to meet residents, Ida often hears complaints about parents who are experiencing economic difficulties. Joblessness was the main issue he encountered.
Ida is just an ordinary housewife. However, she is very grateful to be able to get the opportunity to reach many children and families by becoming a cadre. Her family also benefited from her activities as a cadre, especially Ida, and her family were still provided for even though Indonesia's economic conditions were uncertain.
“One of the things that have become a significant change in my life is that I have my own laundry business, even though it was never thought in life to have a business.
One of the efforts I made was with the assistance and training from WVI. I can manage my own laundry and Alhamdulillah, I can develop it to make ends meet in this pandemic. I was very grateful that I was given the opportunity and offered that opportunity to me,” Ida said.
The WVI Area Program Jakarta continues to assist communities in several areas in Jakarta. This assistance is primarily engaged in family economic improvement programs that aim to create more prosperous children.
Written by: Staff of Jakarta Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia