Encouraging Inclusive BUMDes Policy Through Selection of GESI Champion

Gender equality is still a social issue that is debated in various work environments and the community. Gender inequality causes women's limited access to health, employment opportunities, means of production, and involvement in village planning. Through the ENVISION program, the Alfa Omega Foundation and Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) funded by European Union, encourage the involvement of women, youth, and people with disabilities to support rural economic development through BUMDes (Village Owned Enterprises).
One of the activities to encourage more inclusive BUMDes is through the GESI (Gender Equality and Social Inclusion) Champion Training and Selection for 100 selected Village Facilitators from 20 villages in Kupang Regency. With the election of 20 GESI Champions, it is hoped that they can become agents of GESI at the village level and ensure that there is an inclusive BUMDes in each village. This will certainly help the ENVISION program run.
The activity was full of joy because each facilitator was very enthusiastic about participating in the activity and was active in expressing their opinion regarding the issues and problems of inequality that they experienced in their environment, especially those in BUMDes.
Yomince Laiskodat (56) was chosen as one of the GESI Champions. Even though he is old and has grandchildren, Yomince is still trusted by his fellow village facilitators to become a GESI Champion.
"There is a good chance and we can be involved in all activities in the village so that we can encourage especially for GESI and inclusive changes in our village BUMDes," said the woman who is often called Mince when conveying her impression of being selected as a GESI Champion from Batuinan Village.
For the mother of 2 who lives their daily lives as a housewife, being allowed to become a Facilitator Coordinator for Batuinan Village is a very proud achievement. She was also grateful for the trust given by his fellow village facilitators to become the leader and agent of GESI in the village.
She hopes that with village facilitators, all GESI Champions can encourage more inclusive village BUMDes policies, taking into account the voices and involvement of women, youth, and disabilities in BUMDes planning and implementation.
Written by: Okto Delfis Tungga Nusa, YAO Officer partner of Wahana Visi Indonesia
*This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Wahana Visi Indonesia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union