Fighting Discomfort for Healthy Children in Hiligito

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - One day in early June 2020, Yuliana Hondro and other cadres rushed to tidy up and prepare the village hall. On that day posyandu activities will be carried out at the village hall of Hiligito, South Nias Regency.
As usual, every month in the posyandu activities the cadres will weigh the children under-five-years in the weighing tool, then record it in the cadre's book and the MCH book (Maternal and Child Health) as well as the distribution of PMT (Supplementary Feeding). If there are parents who have problems feeding, then PMBA (Toddler and Child Feeding) counseling will be carried out by the cadre in charge.
However, this time Yuliana and the other cadres prepared a few things that were slightly different from usual. The existence of Coronavirus outbreaks that hit the world even including Indonesia, caused everyone who entered the posyandu to do health protocols such as wearing masks and gloves.
Yuliana has been a cadre for 5 years, but this is the first time for her to work in masks and gloves. The hot weather of South Nias must make Yuliana adapt to using gloves and masks. She also has to learn to take off and replace gloves regularly when working at the posyandu.
Wear a mask is very unusual for her. Her daily life as a housewife and farmer makes it difficult to feel comfortable when wearing a mask.
Before the posyandu began Yuliana had received an explanation from the village midwife about the use of personal protective equipment to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus. Although in South Nias district there are no Covid-19 sufferers, Yuliana and her cadre colleagues are still obedient in following the Coronavirus transmission prevention protocol properly.
"I just felt uncomfortable at first, but because I knew the benefits of wearing masks and gloves were for the common good so as not to transmit and not be infected with the Coronavirus, I obediently followed. After all, this is for the health of children in South Nias, "said the mother of 5 children.
Finally, the expected time arrived, the posyandu activities began, and personal protective equipment was worn by each cadre and village midwife. Weighing this time is somewhat different from usual, that is, the scabbard wears a personal scabbard carried by mothers of toddlers, so Yuliana must often adjust the weighing tool so that the weighing remains accurate. Some toddlers' parents are arranged to keep their distance from each other.
Yuliana always hopes that through her willingness to become a cadre, she can help others and children in Hiligito Village be healthy free from the problem of malnutrition.
Written by: Dewi Sukowati and Juni Arman Hulu, Wahana Visi Indonesia Staff