Florentina: My Mother Forbade Me

Florentina (15 yo) became one of the lucky children who received a gift called GN (Gift Notification) from her sponsor. The GN gift received by Florentina is one of WVI's efforts in the Covid-19 pandemic emergency response (COPE). The gift turned out her mother's view of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).
"I used to rarely participated in WVI activities that carried out in my village because my mother forbade it and she was angry," Florentina revealed, starting her story.
Her mother said the activities carried out by WVI have no benefits and are just a waste of time. Every time Florentina wants to join in children's activities with WVI, her mother always forbids her. Florentina’s mother feels it's better to do the home duties and take care of her younger siblings because she doesn't get money from WVI activities.
This assumption continued until one day Florentina heard the news that she was one of the children who received a special gift from the sponsor. Her mother was initially shocked and confused, but after being explained by one of the WVI staff, she understood and was so happy that she was moved because it turned out that there were people who cared for her child.
Her mother felt guilty and regretful because she was angry and forbade Florentina to participate in activities facilitated by WVI. She thanked WVI for providing an understanding of the importance of the role of parents in supporting children's activities and the benefits of WVI's children's activities.
Since then, the mother has always supported her children to attend activities with WVI. Florentina, who used to be just a spectator, has now been elected as one of the administrators in the children's forum and actively assists in organizing children's activities.
‘’I become more brave and confident to speak in front of my friends, dare to give input and suggestions, care more about other people and my mother supports me in participating in WVI’s activities,’’ Florentina claimed the change of her life after becoming the sponsored child of WVI.
You also can support many children like Florentina by becoming a Child Sponsor for girls. Find out more info: www.wahanavisi.org/1000girls
#1000girls #SponsorAnak
Written by: Elpinar Simanjuntak, Staf Area Program Nias Selatan Wahana Visi Indonesia
Translated by: Klaudia Mawuntu, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia