For a Better Posyandu

Maria Nona (38), called Mama Nona, is one of the posyandu (integrated health post) cadres who is actively involved in the Citizen Voice and Action approach with the Ende Program Area of Wahana Visi Indonesia. He participated in the entire series of program activities, from initial introduction activities, standard monitoring, to performance appraisal cards.
Nona admitted that she understood that there were still many quality services in the village that needed to be improved, especially the posyandu. However, according to her, the Citizen Voice and Action approach helped her to be honest about the actual situation.
"I think this is a new way to do it. So far, as far as we know, our proposals and suggestions can only be submitted during the Musrembangdus or Musrembangdes. Even then, if we were invited, and even if we were invited, we would not necessarily be able to speak in front of community leaders and many people. We are trained to be more courageous in speaking through this program, even though we are still afraid if there are targets or people we criticize are together in this activity,“ Nona continued.
This activity is relatively new to the sub-village and village where Nona lives. However, according to Nona and several other residents, some changes have already begun to appear.
"We hope that this activity will be followed up so that our voices do not stop here and the village government can hear and act based on the input they receive," she explained.
Nona hopes that significant changes can occur in the posyandu service. That way, the children in the village can grow up healthy and happy.
Written by: Oktaviana Sulu, Wash Officer of Ende Wahana Visi Indonesia Program Area