From Sponsored Children, Now Become a Sponsor

Sepriana or Ana, is a former sponsored child of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI). She joined the sponsorship program from elementary to senior high school. She still remembered how the WVI staff often came to her village to play, bring gifts and share experiences with her. Ana's family also gets healthy latrines and school kits that change her life. This memorable experience brings her heart to join the child sponsorship program and becoming a sponsor. Ana decided to become a sponsor for a child in Biak, Papua.
Ana is actually coming from an area called Alor in East Nusa Tenggara. But after high school, she continued her study in Kupang. However, in the sixth semester, Ana had to leave her study life due to health problems.
During that leave, Ana got information about the Theology School from a friend of hers. She decided to go to Malang and start her studies from scratch with saving only IDR 1,000,000. The path is not easy. Ana also experienced difficulties in paying tuition fees, and even almost quit, but Ana still believes that God has a wonderful plan for her. Then unexpectedly, Ana gets help from donors who pay 95% of her tuition fees. "Everything is in God's plan, I do not regret my decision to move to this campus," she said.
While doing service in November 2020, Ana looked back to her life journey. She started to realize that her current existence as a student and all the privileges that she received to grow as an individual and to learn was happened because of the generosity of donors.
Blessed to be a blessing. That sentence kept coming on her mind. In early 2021, Ana decided to be a child sponsor because she wanted her life to be a blessing for others, especially children in need. "I want to give the same opportunity and privilege to other children in need, like what I have received back then. I can become what I am right now, is because of someone who decided to help others and took an action as a sponsor. Now it's my turn to give back," said Ana.
Ana also believes that we have to love others because God has already loved us. Love is limitless, love is everything, so let's love each other regardless of the differences and our circumstances.
Written by: Shinta Maharani, Staff of National Resources Development Wahana Visi Indonesia