GROW Project Supports Nutrition for Covid-19 Affected Children by Giving Free Breakfast

The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for a year, but its impact is still being felt until today. One of them is by decreasing and even loss of family income which results in a decrease in the quality of nutrition and nutrition received by children. Based on this, the GROW Project of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) pays attention to children through the distribution of free breakfast.
Breakfast is considered one of the factors that influence the development process of children. Breakfast with a variety of foods will meet nutritional needs to keep the child's body in shape, making it easier to learn and concentrate, and learning achievement can be improved.
The distribution of breakfast was carried out by cadres in the Simokerto District area. Aviva Surjani (54) is one of the cadres who helped distribute breakfast to children. Aviva said the economic condition of the family made parents have to reduce the provision of breakfast for their children.
Affandi, a child from Simolawang Sub-District, also feels this. Affandi's parents, who only sell snacks in the market, experienced an income decrease during the pandemic. As a result, Affandi rarely had a nutritious breakfast. Affandi often ate rice and side dishes for a breakfast. Affandi often slept all day because of his weak body.
There is also Adelia, 1st-grader of elementary school, who also feels the same way. Her parents, who are only fried food traders in the market, only provide one type of side dish for Adelia's breakfast, so Adelia doesn't like vegetables.
However, according to Aviva, since the GROW Project started, children have become accustomed to enjoying vegetables. Their bodies are healthier and more enthusiastic to do their activities.
"With the food aids that were delivered at 7 am, the children were able to get up early, have breakfast regularly, and try to eat vegetables. This food also provides education about balanced nutrition and dietary variations,” Aviva revealed.
The GROW Project, which is supported by World Vision Korea, will be implemented in the WVI Area Program Simokerto from December 2020 to September 2021. Through this project, about 502 children aged 7-9 years get nutritious breakfast three times a week. This breakfast support is expected to help meet the nutritional needs of children.
Written by: Staff of Simokerto Program Area, Wahana Visi Indonesia