Happy to be Involved in Against Covid-19

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - For Yenny Aprilia (46 yo), a housewife from Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan, it's a joy to join the Titian Kasih Child Assistance and Protection Agency (PPA TIKA). Together with the organization that is accompanied by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Bengkayang Program Area, Yenny can help the community, especially children who experience violence.
In August to September 2020, PPA TIKA collaborated with WVI in disseminating information about child protection in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as conducting socialization related to CTPS (Washing Hands with Soap) activities through the WVI Covid-19 pandemic response program. WVI provided a bucket for washing hands and soap as well as a poster about Covid-19, meanwhile, PPA TIKA together with the Village Children Forum became the facilitator, and Yenny was involved in this activity.
According to Yenny, the people she accompanied in the socialization began to realize the importance of a clean and healthy lifestyle. The community has also started to get used to wearing masks when traveling outside the house, getting used to washing hands using soap, and are accustomed to maintaining distance because people already understand the meaning of health protocols.
Although happy to be involved in this activity, Yenny also felt the challenge when she became a facilitator in the socialization. The cohesiveness and commitment of other members during socialization is still a challenge for her.
"There are certain joys and sorrows when we are in the field or in our own families, but with the willingness and sincerity of our hearts and souls, and also we have a TiKA team that is always ready to work together so I feel very happy and happy to carry out this activity as a facilitator. What I consider as joy is I can get experience and able to share information with the community so that people can understand the importance of maintaining health. Then they can be part of the community so they can fight Covid-19 together,” said Yenny.
Yenny added, the things she has done with the team and WVI have certainly provided many benefits to the community. Yenny also hopes that this socialization can be used as a good habit for the community.
"Hopefully in the future, there will be more programs carried out by WVI, which can benefit our community," she concluded.
*Article was rewritten from the original testimonial of Yenny Aprilia