Health Cadres Spark Health Transformation in Villages

Health Cadres Spark Health Transformation in Villages

Posyandu is the most accessible health service for mothers and toddlers in Indonesia's most remote villages. In addition to being attached to health institutions, Posyandu is also deeply rooted in the community. Midwives, as health workers, collaborate with cadres and village officials to ensure Posyandu runs effectively and efficiently. Posyandu services not only depend on the presence of midwives but also on the awareness of toddler parents to monitor their children's growth and development. Therefore, midwives need skilled cadres to share knowledge and experiences with parents and caregivers. This is crucial so that every Indonesian child, even those living in vulnerable areas, can have the right to optimal growth and development. 

One Posyandu cadre in a village located in Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan, is a figure who persistently fights for the health of toddlers. For approximately two years, Ana has served as a Posyandu cadre. She has experienced and overcome various challenges. "The challenges include parents who are unwilling to attend and bring their children when Posyandu is scheduled due to the location being far, poor road access, and lack of support from husbands to take their wives and children to Posyandu," said the 28-year-old woman. 

Additionally, Ana also has to assist parents or caregivers who still do not understand proper Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF). "There are also children who are not yet six months old but are already given food because they cry and fuss a lot, so they are fed. There are also parents who give food that is not suitable for the age. The portion and texture of the food are not appropriate, so the baby refuses to eat and their weight actually decreases instead of increasing," she explained. 

What Ana sees around her moves her heart. She wants to address these problems. However, she needs the right tools. The spirit to carry out her duties as a cadre must be balanced with the spirit to continue learning. Ana needs the right insights so that parents and caregivers of toddlers in her village can be aware of the importance of attending Posyandu, the importance of proper feeding, and the importance of fulfilling children's nutrition from an early age. 

Wahana Visi Indonesia, in collaboration with its partner Timang Kaseh Sekadau, facilitates training for Posyandu cadres. In the training, Posyandu cadres gain insights and effective ways to change parenting styles, especially in fulfilling toddler nutrition. Ana participated as one of the trainees in the training. 

"Now that I have attended the training and gained information and knowledge, I know how to approach and explain things well to parents of toddlers so that they do not give food to children who are not yet six months old. I also know the portions and textures of food that are appropriate for toddlers, so don't give food to toddlers carelessly. The knowledge I have gained, I apply and share with parents of toddlers, and now they know how to give nutritious food that is appropriate for their child's age," said Ana. 

Ana's role as a cadre has yielded good results. She can help change inappropriate parenting habits because she has gained the right insights. Ana's persistence has had an impact on the growth and development of toddlers in her village. She still wants to continue learning and hopes that there will be other training for Posyandu cadres. Because for Ana, Posyandu cadres are one of the determinants of the future of children in her village. 



Author: Yuliana Eva (staff from Timang Kaseh Sekadau, operational partner of Sekadau Area Programme) 

Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive) 

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