Inclusive Toilets for Students in Sekadau

Children can be agents of change in schools, especially when it comes to Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS). However, unfortunately, not all schools have adequate sanitation facilities. As a result, PHBS cannot yet become a habit and is limited to knowledge only.
One of the elementary schools in Sekadau Regency, which is a WVI assisted area, only has three toilets for 229 students. The number of toilets is very disproportionate to the number of students, so that the students have to use the teachers' toilets to urinate or defecate. "In the past, when there was no toilet, I had a hard time urinating, let alone defecating. When I couldn't hold it anymore, I sometimes urinated in the bushes. Even if I wanted to defecate, I went home because my house is not far from school. If I wanted to eat snacks or food, I didn't wash my hands with soap because there were no facilities," said Ekdril (11), one of the students at the elementary school.
In line with the target of Sekadau Regency and the Sustainable Development Goals regarding universal access to sanitation, WVI, through philanthropic funding, implemented the construction of inclusive toilets and CTPS (Handwashing with Soap) facilities at the school where Ekdril studies. After discussions with the school and committee, it was agreed that there would be a contribution of Rp 4,200,000 from the school and committee to support the construction process. WVI, together with the school, then built two communal CTPS facilities and three toilets. One of the toilets built is an inclusive toilet that can be used by people with disabilities. The other two toilets are divided for men and women.
To ensure the sustainability of the inclusive toilet and CTPS facilities, WVI and the school then agreed that the school would be responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the sanitation facilities that had been built. The school is also committed to allocating funds for maintenance of the facilities and also to socialize Clean and Healthy Living Behavior to students and teachers.
"Now we have good toilets and CTPS facilities at school. There are toilets for boys and toilets for girls. The walls of the toilet are also painted with invitations to live a clean and healthy life. That makes us always remember to live clean. We not only participated in the socialization, but we are also constantly reminded by the pictures," added Ekdril.
Ekdril also said, "We already have a schedule for cleaning the toilets and CTPS facilities. I hope that the toilets and CTPS facilities can continue to be clean and not damaged. I hope we can continue to use this until our younger siblings who will go to school here,".
Author: Paskasius Bony (Freelance for Sekadau Area Program)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)