Indigenous-Based Child Protection is the New Hope of the Sambas Community

Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) together with the Dayak Customary Council of Sambas Regency fully supports the Sambas Regency Government in minimizing the number of child abuse in Sambas Regency, by facilitating the Dayak Customary Regulations for Child Protection. This Customary Regulation was later adapted into the Village Regulation for the Protection of Customary-Based Children.
This regulation was inaugurated by Deputy Regent Fahrur Rofi, S.I.P., M.H. Sc apda, yesterday (Sept 28, 2022) in Sambas Regency. The head of the P3AP2KB Office attended the event, the Manager of WVI – Sambas, the Chairman of the Dayak Customary Council of Sambas Regency, and Forkopincam Kec. Sajingan Besar.
At this event, Fahrur expressed his highest appreciation for the initiative of five villages in Sajingan Besar which provide a place for local wisdom to minimize cases of child violence.
“I will take Big Spoiler as a model. This is what should be done in all villages in Sambas Regency. We are very lacking in social sanctions, which was answered today in Sajingan Besar District," said Fahrur, while appreciating the support of WVI and the Dayak Customary Council of Sambas Regency in minimizing cases of child violence in Sambas Regency.
Meanwhile, Wahana Visi Indonesia Manager, Ignatius Anggoro, expressed his gratitude for the extraordinary support from the Regent, Deputy Regent, and related SOPD ranks.
“This Customary-Based Child Protection Village Regulation is the first in Sambas Regency, even in West Kalimantan Province. Support the Regent, Deputy Regent, related SOPD, and District Dayak Customary Council. Sambas and the sub-district head of Sajingan Besar showed their shared passion for protecting children," said Anggoro.
Anggoro hopes that through village regulations that appear in the community, children in Sajingan Besar District can be more protected.
Written by: Sambas Program Area Staff, Wahana Visi Indonesia