Labewa Radio Broadcast Program Accepted Award from Indonesian Broadcasting Commission

The difficulty of carrying out children's education during a pandemic must be resolved through the collaboration of many parties. Together with RRI Wamena and the Jayawijaya District Education Office, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) continues to strive to help children get their best education. The Labewa radio broadcast program (Wamena's Children's Song and Learning) is proof of WVI's seriousness in supporting children's education in the surrounding Jayawijaya Regency.
The Labewa broadcast program also won appreciation as the Best Children's Radio Program in the Child-Friendly Broadcasting Award 2020. This appreciation was given by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) at the end of August 2020.
The program which began in April 2020 is expected to reach more elementary to junior high school students in the Wamena area and outside Wamena and make it easier for them to study at home without having to have internet. The Labewa program is also filled with interactive quizzes that involve students to contribute. Every student who asks, and is able to answer questions, will be given an immediate prize.
Through this broadcast program, it is hoped that all children in Jayawijaya Regency and its surroundings can be benefited and continue to study at home even though they only learn by listening on the radio.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia