Learn About Nutrition with Board Game

Asmat Hope - About 12 students of SD YPPK St. Fransiscus Xaverius (elementary school) of Jetsy District in Asmat Regency, Papua look exciting to join the board game about nutrition which has to be played in a group. This board game is developed by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) based on the group discussion result in some of the elementary schools.
Boardgame with a nutrition topic is a new thing for the student in Asmat. However, they are enthusiastic to join the game. When the facilitator asked them about the importance of eating vegetables, the students do not know the answer. Even so, they do not hesitate to try and find out the rules of the board game. They learn and practice together.
Children are not ashamed to ask if there are things they don't know yet. For example, when one child has a turn to read information cards about the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits that are brightly colored (yellow/red) for healthy teeth, gums, and bones. There are children who spontaneously ask, "What is gum? We know that about teeth and bones If it's gum, we don't know. "
After being shown what the gums are, they spontaneously respond, "Ooo ... that's called gum."
Children also dare to give suggestions so that the board game is clearer on how to play it. For example by giving an arrow as a marker of the game flow and need to include the word "Win" at the end that indicates the player's victory.
Not only students but the teachers also responded positively to educational activities through this game. According to them, this can make it easier for children to learn.
Nutritional awareness behavior needs to be applied early. School children are one of the strategic goals to prevent nutritional problems in the future.
By inviting them to actively participate in education about nutrition and the support of families and schools is expected to encourage changes in nutritional awareness behavior.
Written by: C. Vita Aristyanita, Behaviour Change Communication Specialist Wahana Visi Indonesia