Learning Materials for PAUD Children of Melawi Regency

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Like other regions in Indonesia, the formal teaching and learning process in Melawi District, West Kalimantan has been stopped since March 2020. The process of independent learning is done by the parents of students. Unfortunately, not all regions in this district have good internet and telecommunications access, so parents have difficulty getting learning material for children.
Through Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency Response (COPE), Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), the Melawi Sintang Program Area supports the learning process of children by providing learning materials in the form of reading books. Sumarni (53 yo), a PAUD (Early Childhood Care and Development) teacher in Tanjung Arak Village was involved in the distribution process. Sumarni helps parents understand the learning material provided.
According to Sumarni, parents still do not fully understand how to apply the material to children. With her help, parents can more easily understand how to apply teaching materials to their children.
"I explained to mothers how children could fill in the questions in the storybook so that they would tell and teach their children. After it is finished, it is collected to the teacher to be appreciated," she explained how to ensure parents use the material provided.
As a result of the stay at home rules that were applied nationally, Sumarni admitted that she was sad that she could not meet with her students for a while.
"It is sad to see children only playing freely without assistance, whereas before these children I was at least for three hours I could learn while playing and now I am not free to interact with children," said the woman who had devoted herself as a PAUD teacher for 13 years.
Many of the ups and downs she has experienced while becomes PAUD teachers. Although she did not get much income as a teacher, Sumarni continued to persevere in carrying out her role. For her, the greatest happiness was when she saw her students still recognize her even though they had gone to college and worked.
"My instinct is for children," Sumarni said.
Written by: Margaretta Siregar, Melawi Sintang Wahana Visi Indonesia's Area Program Manager