Mobile Library to Support Children in Lombok

#LombokBangkitKembali – Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) through Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response is still running the emergency response for affected people in Lombok. Besides focusing on the development of facilities building, WVI is also doing a program of child protection in an emergency situation. To support the program, WVI arranges Child-Friendly Space and a mobile library.
Since the return of the mobile library in September 2019, the car has been reaching 2,866 children in four sub-villages. This library is open in 2 kindergartens, 18 elementary schools, 1 junior high school and 1 high school in North Lombok Regency.
Nehemian Jimmy Ahalamani, Child in Emergency Specialist of WVI says mobile library aims to support and reaching the children in WVI assisted areas. So that the children who do not have access to school can have the same moment as their friends.
“The mobile library is a part of psychosocial support for children to bring them to normal conditions. This activity aims to provide a space for children as well as sharing knowledge through books. It also stimulates and enhances children's creativity through drawing and coloring activities," Jimmy explained.
The principals and teachers glad to have a mobile library in the school. They also see the happiness of children through activity in a mobile library.
“The children and us really enthusiastic about this program of WVI. Children can read some kinds of books that can increase their knowledge,” said Kimenep, a teacher.
Children also pleased with the presence of a mobile library. They always ask the driver to come back to their school.
“I would like to thank you to Wahana Visi Indonesia for helping us to reach through the mobile library. We hope this library could coming every day so we can read another book,” Melisa, a student who expressed her happiness for a mobile library.
The mobile library of WVI is still operating until March 2020 in Tanjung District, North Lombok Regency. This car will continue the service in school or sub-villages of Tanjung.
Written by: Zara Fitria, Accountability Officer Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response Wahana Visi Indonesia