More Collaboration with PKK

The Parenting with Love program carried out by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) was the beginning phase of signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the Bengkayang Area WVI Program and the Family Welfare Empowerment Team (PKK) in 4 villages in Bengkayang Regency. The Memorandum of Understanding was the symbol of the village's commitment to supporting the end of the violence against children program in the Bengkayang Regency.
Parenting with Love is a WVI program that is contained in the PKK working group 1, namely PAAR (Parenting for Children and Adolescents). This similarity led WVI and PKK to agree to implement the PDC program in the Dasa Wisma group (known as PKK's work program). In the early stages, WVI held PDC training materials for facilitators consisting of village PKK administrators and members of the NGO PPA TiKa (Non-Governmental Organization for the Protection and Assistance of Titian Kasih's Children).
When compiling the follow-up plan, the PKK management recommended 1 Dasa Wisma in each sub-village to receive assistance. The activity, which started in November 2020, has been going well until now. Starting from this activity, WVI proposed signing a Memorandum of Understanding and the PKK agreed with the idea.
With the existence of this Memorandum of Understanding, in the future WVI and PKK will be more involved in joint programs, such as data collection targeting the most vulnerable groups of children, activities related to child protection such as coaching youth groups related to reproductive health programs, and assisting village children forums.
Written by: Betty Lestari, Field Facilitator Bengkayang Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia