Move for Affected Communities by the Semeru Eruption

Kurnia Puspitasari could not stay silent when she knew that many people were affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru a few months ago. Kurnia decided to join #AksiDariHati with WVI as a volunteer. She is actively involved in helping vulnerable groups (toddlers, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and the elderly) in feeding programs in collaboration with the Lumajang District Health Office.
“For about half a month I participated in providing food at several refugee camps, both those who took refuge in tents and (who) rented houses. Another activity that I do is assisting with nutritional counseling for mothers with children under 2 years old, breastfeeding mothers, and pregnant women. This nutrition counseling activity aims to provide knowledge on the stages of children's diet according to their age, the correct way of breastfeeding, and to find out what nutritional problems often occur, especially infants/toddlers while in refugee camps," said Kurnia.
Kurnia is also actively involved in distributing food items, attending a mobile library, and participating in several play and learning activities at the WVI Child-Friendly Space.
Kurnia admitted that she had an unforgettable experience as a volunteer with WVI. Moreover, he immediately went down to accompany the community affected by the disaster.
“I saw the cadre mothers were enthusiastic about cooking, serving, and delivering food for toddlers, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and the elderly. Even though the weather sometimes rains, the cadres continue to deliver food for fear that they will starve at the refugee camps,” she concluded.
According to her, the assistance to vulnerable groups that WVI has carried out is very appropriate to avoid the risk of malnutrition or malnutrition in vulnerable groups.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia