mPosyandu, An Innovation for Better Health in Palu

The application of technology in the community-based maternal and child health monitoring system has brought a positive impact on the healthy development of under-five children. Through the mPosyandu innovation in Palu, Central Sulawesi, it is easier for integrated health post (posyandu) health volunteers or cadres to monitor the growth of under-five and quickly find children with nutritional problems, diseases with warning signs, and other growth problems.
The mPosyandu program was implemented by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) in collaboration with the Palu City government and supported by Australian Aid, through a project called iREACH. iREACH is a form of intervention that aims to optimize maternal and child health services through two strategies, strengthening the posyandu program service monitoring system (IT-based) and improving healthy lifestyles in the community through behavior change communication.
WVI's acting National Director, Irene Marbun, said that the program, which has been running for the last 3.5 years and was implemented in 107 posyandu spread across 24 urban villages, has proven positive impacts. There is an increase in the nutritional status of children because of the increasing practice of infant and young child feeding, both related to breastfeeding and additional food. In addition, mPosyandu assists cadres in monitoring and determining immediate action, especially for children who are detected at risk or experiencing nutritional problems.
“There are around 700 cadres, 200 health workers, 21 mPosyandu experts involved in various activities at posyandu, 29 pilot posyandu, and the renovation of posyandu into child-friendly posyandu. We hope that the positive changes can continue. This project may be completed, but we continue to live the spirit of collaboration, especially those that have an impact on the well-being of Indonesian children,” said Irene.
A posyandu cadre from Buluri village, Sri Indrawati, 35, said that previously the bookkeeping and management at the posyandu did not well-organized. Some of the facilities used are no longer feasible. “But after receiving assistance, we were trained in posyandu management, and taught how to use the mPosyandu to monitor KMS (health cards) and provide information quickly to mothers of under-five,” said Sri.
The Mayor of Palu, Hadianto Rasyid in his remarks at the closing ceremony of iREACH Project which was held on Thursday, 24 June 2021 expressed his gratitude for the support so far received from WVI and the Australian Government.
“More than 100 posyandu in Palu city received support from WVI and the Australian Government. This program really helps the cadres, health workers, and the government of Palu city identify and monitor our children's health and growth. What we have obtained so far, we hope that we can take good care of it. Hopefully, this cooperation can continue,” he said.
Written by Amanda Putri & Rena Tanjung, Communications Department, Wahana Visi Indonesia