Nurjannah’s Helping Spirit

Nurjannah (37), is a disabled lady from the city of Ternate who does not give up on her condition. This amazing woman is not only the owner of a small-medium enterprise named Batik Mayana, but she is also the secretary of The Association of Disable families of Ternate city. Despite her condition, she is on fire when it comes to helping others.
“My husband and I are disabled. However, I wanted to learn to be an entrepreneur, hence I started a culinary business in 2013. There were lots of disabled friends who were curious how do I run business with my condition. Therefore, I then began to train them” uttered this woman who often goes by Jannah.
To this day, her business continues to grow. One of her businesses covers the garment industry (Batik-making). There are at least 34 staffs who work for her. 32 among them have disabilities. They all have different conditions, but Jannah specifically assigns different jobs so that they can perform at their best.
“They are all so enthusiastic and productive at work,” said Jannah.
According to her, her business is at its peak during this Covid-19 pandemic. Other than making Batik, she also owns another business that produces instant herbal drinks, like ginger coffee and red ginger water. These products do help in boosting the immune system and are on demand right now. All of her product catalogs are up on her social media account @nurjannah9984.
Meanwhile, her garment business does not die down. WVI through the I-COPE project funded by European Union has been helping Jannah to hone her creativity.
Through her innovation to produce a 3-ply mask that will be used for training purposes and face-to-face training, Jannah can now work along with more with the other disabled people in Ternate City.
“We can now get more people to involve to help out in this production, it is indeed a blessing for them too,” she uttered.
Written by: Staff of I-COPE Project Wahana Visi Indonesia
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Wahana Visi Indonesia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.