One Voice That Changes the Village Situation

Do not underestimate the child's voice, because, from a suggestion of a person or group of children, something good can happen to other children. One of them occurred in a village in South Nias Regency. Because of the children's ideas on the need for a playground, a new playground was established in this village.
This playground, called Taman Mini Furai, was the result of a proposal by the village children forum, one of the child forums assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia, the South Nias Area Program, which was built by the local village government.
Febri (16), one of the board members of the village children forum, said that she and her friends were happy that the ideas they spoke in the Musrenbangdes (Village Development Planning Meeting) could be heard and realized. Febri and her friends no longer need to play at the village hall and even without being "kicked out" when they gather.
“Of course we are happy with this playground because besides having a playground, our village becomes the first to have a special park for children to play. Proud to be the owner of a playground for children,” said Febri.
Taman Mini Furai was built as a manifestation of the village government's concern for the children in the village. Mr. Tasului, the head of the village, who feels sorry and burdened because children do not have a place to play was made the idea happened.
"This park was built with my expense because I promised them and felt burdened by the request of the village children forum who had asked for this playground," explained Tasului (38).
In addition, with the existence of this playground, children also feel valued and considered to exist. In particular, the Village Children Forum exists because they have proposed several requests to the village government during the village development planning meeting. One of their proposals was this Playground and their request was granted.
'' Apart from feeling proud that our proposal was granted, we as children also feel valued and respected. It turns out that we were thought to exist, not only pretending to be listened to when we suggested that at the meeting (Musrenbangdes)," Febri continued happily.
Febri hopes that with a playground and volleyball court as well as a badminton court in the village, children can do more positive activities.
Written by: Bethsaida Sinaga, CESP Coordinator South Nias Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia