Open the Market Opportunity through ‘Bantu Bangun’ Bazaar Program

#LombokBangkitKembali – To support the government in providing houses for the affected people in Lombok, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) gives 426 temporary shelters for people of 15 sub-villages in Sokong Village, North Lombok Regency. The process of shelter construction is starting with the bazaar program called Bantu Bangun (Bantuan Non-Tunai Pembangunan Hunian Sementara/ Non-Cash Assistance for Temporary Shelter Construction).
The bazaar aims to open the market opportunity and also gives the freedom for beneficiaries to choose finishing materials for their own shelter. WVI also does the partnership with several vendors, so people can have options.
This bazaar program has been implementing since August 2019 along with the construction of the temporary shelters in Sokong Village. Since that, 4 bazaar programs have been held and have been giving the benefit for 214 people in 8 sub-villages.
The beneficiaries who join the bazaar program get IDR2,500,000 vouchers. They have to shop and spend all the money at the event. They can choose the materials at the vendor’s outlet.
Agus Setiawan, the beneficiary, says he felt benefited through the bazaar program.
“We are satisfied with the program. We can see the finishing materials and choose what we want. The vendors will also be coming to our places, so it really helps us to save the money and energy,” Agus claims.
Meanwhile, one of the vendors says that he glad to join the program. He can help people and also get income by collaborating with WVI. He hopes that so many people could get the benefit from the bazaar program.
“So far, we are really satisfied to do the partnership with Wahana Visi Indonesia,” he explains.
Until today, WVI is still helping the affected people, especially for people in North Lombok Regency. The constructions are still running and targeted to finish in December 2019.
The Bantu Bangun bazaar program is supported by Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) Germany. WVI also collaborates with the PKPU Human Initiative to execute the shelter construction.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia