Partner Story: Building a Bright Future for Children

My name is Herdawati, and I am a housewife. I have sons aged fifteen years old and ten years old. Apart from being a housewife, I also play a role as a cadre in the area where I currently live, namely in Baru Kelurahan, Palu City, Central Sulawesi.
Before becoming a cadre and volunteering with Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), I often participated in programs from WVI, which have been present to assist in the regions. Finally, I was interested in and allowed to volunteer in the children's forum. I even often accompany WVI sponsored child. This program helps the children in my neighborhood in terms of health, child protection, and education.
The children's forum makes me even more excited to be a volunteer with WVI, where I can accompany the children so that they can get direct attention, especially in fulfilling children's rights. As a cadre, I feel I have a role in this situation. We embrace and protect parents in terms of knowledge, information, and education, especially in fulfilling the five rights of children.
Alhamdulillah, through training materials on children's rights, PDC (Parenting with Love), sponsorship of children's forums, and KBA (Child Learning Group), it helped me in carrying out my role as a cadre and a good facilitator in carrying out activities with the community. This role as a mother, community leader, and cadre also makes me confident to implement it in my family and community.
In my opinion, the KBA activity program that WVI is doing with the community helped the mothers to provide support to their children so that they can express themselves through positive and fun activities for children. It directly trains children's self-confidence by socializing with their peers so that they become healthy, active, and smart children.
Seeing the happy smiles and cheerful faces of the children make us cadres more excited. It also strengthens us. We also get support from sponsors.
For me, WVI has helped a lot in all the knowledge given to cadres. We also apply it personally in our family environment, as well as in the community, so that in the end, children's rights to grow and develop can be fulfilled properly.
Written by: Lia Pamora, Program Area Staff for Sigi Palu Donggala Wahana Visi Indonesia