PKK Tobelo Barat Helps I-COPE Project Distributes Hygiene Kits

Covid-19 has succeeded in changing people's daily habits. Adaptation of new habits needs to be done as a precautionary measure in the transmission of the Coronavirus, such as washing hands frequently with soap, applying cough etiquette/wearing masks, increasing endurance, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds.
As a form of support in preventing the spread of Covid-19, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) with the support of the European Union through the I-COPE Project, distributed hygiene kits assistance to 500 families in North Halmahera. In this activity, WVI was also supported by the PKK activator team in West Tobelo District.
Evi Huwae (47), a PKK member who also helped in this activity, said that he and other team members were happy to be involved in the process of assisting. Not only the distribution of cleanliness packages, the distribution of Covid-19 information posters, and the dissemination of Covid-19 prevention were also carried out by the PKK team to the public.
"There are still many people in our village who do not believe in Covid-19. At least through the provision of hygiene packages and socialization about Covid-19, they can trust and practice washing hands with soap through the packages that have been given," said Evi.
The provision of hygiene packages was carried out to vulnerable families in the North Halmahera Regency area to support good personal hygiene practices in preventing Covid-19 transmission.
It does not stop here, the PKK driving team will continue to support the I-COPE project in the North Halmahera region through the distribution of non-cash food aid. The foodstuffs are in the form of nine basic ingredients that will be provided to vulnerable communities.
Written by: Markus, Project Coordinator of I-COPE North Halmahera Wahana Visi Indonesia
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Wahana Visi Indonesia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.