Public Speaking Training Encourage Me to be A Village Leader

Poringan Village is one of the villages located in West Suli District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The distance from the village center to the center of the regency is 22 km which can be reached in 1 hour and 35 minutes. Since 2019 until now, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) through the Cocoa Life program from PT Mondelez International has continued to empower the assisted communities in Luwu Regency. The activities carried out by WVI focus not only on increasing group capacity but also on the individual capacity of men and women, in terms of public speaking, Women Extensions Volunteer, planning, and the stage of submitting proposals in the forum.
Suharman (28) is a resident living in Poringan Village who is currently married and has two children. His daily activities are in the social and community fields, including the Cocoa Farmers Group “Andalan Coklat Cengkeh”. Suharman is also the Treasurer in the Village Government structure and the head of the Cocoa Farmers Group in the village. Since 2019, Suharman has participated in many Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) activities. One of the activities is the Community Action Plan (CAP) activity or the discussion on preparing community action plans in village development. In this activity, Suharman was included in a team of village facilitators representing cocoa farmer groups who would fight for all proposals from cocoa farmer groups that had an impact on capacity building and community welfare.
In addition, Suharman also plays an active role in advocacy activities that have an impact on increasing community capacity, such as Community-Based Integrated Child Protection (PATBM) activities, as well as activities related to financial management. He is also very active in several training activities such as public speaking training which really helps him to speak in public.
In 2022, Suharman is finally elected as the Head of Poringan Village until 2028. Through his experience participating in activities with the Cocoa Life Project funded by Mondelez International, he has gained a lot of knowledge, he is able to speak in public and understand the community's needs. Currently, Suharman has committed to supporting every activity that brings a good impact on the community. He also supports the plan to realize the climate village program plan and also the sustainability of integrated child protection groups.
Written by Irwan Dedi Setiawan, Field Facilitator of Cocoa Life Program, Pinrang, South Sulawesi