Reaching Out the Most Vulnerable

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Those who are most vulnerable are also often forgotten. Seeing this condition, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) South Bengkulu Program Area together with the Social Service (Dinsos) for the Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities of South Bengkulu conducted monitoring of several children with disabilities in the South Bengkulu Regency area. The activity as well as to provide basic needs and mattresses.
WS (11) and D (13) are one of the children WVI met on that day in mid-September 2020. They were happy to meet the staff. Instantly the staff was felt emotional to see the two. Yanti, parents of D could not even hide her emotion over the staff's visit.
"Since a long time ago, WVI who the only one has always monitored the condition of our children. We are thankful for this. As long as they are here we feel well taken care of,” said the 32-year-old mother in the local language.
Different from Yanti, Popi (28), the mother of AN (2) feels very grateful for the attention given to her child. Moreover, AN got a new mattress to help him do activities at home.
“My family and I feel helped by WVI's support, by caring for our children. My husband and I now feel stronger and more excited because WVI always accompanies and supervises our child. The support by providing mattresses and necessities is very beneficial for our child. He can sit and roll as he pleases while watching television with these mattresses," Popi explained.
The brief meeting also encouraged the South Bengkulu Social Service to do something about these children and several other children.
"We will put the children's data into the BDT (Integrated Database) system so that children can be monitored by the Ministry of Social Affairs and also receive assistance every year," said Nanda PS (25) as a representative of the South Bengkulu Social Service.
Nanda also added, "We must maintain coordination between the village government and the Social Service so that they (children with disabilities) feel the benefits."
Commitment and cooperation between all parties should be continued. Today, WVI continues to coordinate with stakeholders to create a bigger impact so that children can live better.
Written by: Staff of South Bengkulu Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia