Recommendations for Citizen Reporting

Dikmah (50), is the head of the neighborhood unit (RT) in one of the villages in Sambas Regency. She is no longer young but the mother of two wants to give the best for her citizens. This included being involved in a discussion on providing recommendations for villages, which was held by the Sambas Program Area of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).
The poor reporting system at the RT level was one of the reasons why this discussion was held. As a result, several recommendations for improvement and new programs submitted by participants in writing to the village government were received directly by the Village Head who was also present with the Head of the BPD. One of these recommendations is to improve the reporting flow for residents so that the RT head can monitor the follow-up actions that have been carried out by the local village government.
Dikmah is one of the representatives of society. Regarding the Covid-19 program that has been running in the village, she said some programs have been running well, but some still need improvement.
Previously, Dimah had also been actively involved in evaluating the Covid-19 program in her village. He also actively voiced during the discussion.
What she said was related to unsystematic public complaints, so that she who served as RT sometimes did not know if there were people who made reports or complaints.
She hopes that the recommendations submitted by the discussion participants in this activity will be followed up by the village government, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Dikmah is not young anymore, but she is still very diligent and full of dedication to hold the mandate as head of the RT. She diligently and continuously reminded residents to continue implementing health protocols and conveying directions from the village government to residents.
Written by: Kori Kornelia, Sponsorship Officer of the Sambas Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia