Religious Leaders in Lombok Start Sharing about Parenting

The rise of cases of violence against children is not only the responsibility of the government but also requires the cooperation of religious leaders. Religious leaders can influence and broadcast child protection issues to every family that comes to worship. This will certainly accelerate the formation of a safe living environment for children. Religious leaders can open minds and break down old ways of parenting that are full of violence and change parents to start nurturing children with love.
WVI's Lombok operational office together with the Lembaga Klub Baca Perempuan implemented the Parenting with Love (PDC) programme for religious leaders living in the assisted villages. In the context of Lombok, which is predominantly Muslim, the religious leaders who participated in the PDC training were ustad. After attending the training, the ustad can facilitate parents so that parenting patterns towards children change and there are no more cases of violence in the village.
"The busyness of adults, especially parents, in fulfilling the needs of life makes parents have a rigid parenting model for children. Poor parenting in the past is still done so it becomes a habit in the present. For example, children's opinions are considered trivial and unimportant. Parents are the only decision makers for their children's lives, they speak harshly, and use hitting if children do not want to obey," said Ustad Mustahik, one of the PDC facilitators in the village.
He also explained how parents often delegate parenting duties to a child. "On the other hand, society has a habit that very young children are required to help their parents work. Meanwhile, the burden of parental care for children is often given to the eldest child who is also still a child," he said.
Equipped with new insights into parenting, in February 2024 Ustad Mustahik, assisted by Ustad Supardi and Ustad Halil, conducted PDC training for 28 parents. The materials presented by these three religious leaders began to give a new perspective to parents, especially fathers.
"For me, children must follow all the wishes of their parents because parents know best what is best for their children. If children make mistakes, it's okay for parents to be strict to make children obey what parents say," said Sumirat, a father who attended the training. "But after learning with Pak Ustad about parenting, I just realised that children have the right to be protected and to have their opinions heard. Violence in any form is not good for the relationship between children and their parents," he added.
The good steps taken by the three ustad from Lombok have opened parents' minds to the importance of eliminating violent, hereditary parenting. Parents are also beginning to realise that improving the relationship between parents and children is important and urgent. Positive and loving parenting will prevent children in Lombok from being subjected to violence or child marriage.
Because of these changes among parents, Ustad Mustahik, Ustad Supardi, and Ustad Halil will form a Parents Support Group in the village. Regular and intensive assistance regarding positive parenting to children will be carried out through these groups. The hope is that parents will be encouraged to practice positive parenting towards children and establish warm relationship between children and parents.
Author: Nursida Syam (Operating Model Parnter staff)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)