Rely on VSLA to Meet Plantation Needs

The VSLA (Village Saving Loan Association) group in Kamanre District, South Sulawesi has existed since 2019. This group was formed by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) and community participation through the Cocoa Life Program funded by Mondelez. The VSLA group was formed to increase public awareness of saving and managing household finances.
VSLA Bunga Libukang is one of the VSLA groups formed from a farmer group. The group initially formed to meet its members' household needs is now starting to develop.
Not only saving, but now the members of the VSLA group also have the initiative to make VSLA a means for their garden maintenance needs. The VSLA group also provides loans to members who need funds for their household and garden needs.
Through this VSLA, several members have formed a business that can increase their family income. One of them is Ahmad Lebang (42) and Suriani (42) who have formed a business venture from this VSLA money.
Through the money they saved at VSLA, Ahmad and Suriani took the initiative to start a business. The business they are running is selling fertilizer for members of their farmer group and VSLA group members.
They borrowed money from VSLA to buy large quantities of fertilizer to be brought to the village and resold to members of farmer groups and VSLA. Both of them are also working with Barry Callebaut in the Farm Service program to become a kiosk or agent for providing plantation materials in their village, such as subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizers.
“Through the VSLA, the needs of farmers in the garden can be met. VSLA is very useful for both us and other communities. The farmers are no longer difficult to get fertilizer and the results of their plantations are very satisfying," said Ahmad.
Written by: Rahmatullah, Field Facilitator of Cocoa Life Program Wahana Visi Indonesia