Reporting Mechanisms Help Villages Identify Cases of Child Violence

A village assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) in Kubu Raya Area Program is growing rapidly, especially in terms of paying attention to children free from cases of violence. Due to WVI's assistance and collaboration with various partners, this village, called Bengkarek, already has a Community-Based Integrated Child Protection (PATBM) group which has also contributed to the creation of a mechanism for reporting cases of child violence.
The existence of a mechanism for reporting cases of child violence indirectly helps identify various cases of child violence that occurred in Bengkarek Village. However, in reality, this mechanism is not fully known by the public, so some people who know and experience cases of violence against children do not know where to report when cases occur.
Seeing this, WVI together with PATBM members moved again and socialized the mechanism for reporting cases of child violence. The socialization which was attended by dozens of participants is expected to be a provision for the community in following up on cases of child violence that occurred in the village.
The mechanism for reporting cases of violence against children in cases of physical and sexual violence. The flow approach to handling and assisting cases of violence against children with mild categories emphasize more on kinship. The traditional settlement was chosen as the solution because PATBM wants to empower traditional institutions as local wisdom while providing education to the community. Meanwhile, in the category of cases of severe sexual and physical violence, the PATBM team will report to Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAID) for further treatment.
Since the formation of PATBM in Bengkarek Village, the Bengkarek Village government has found it helpful to handle activities related to child protection. To support the performance of PATBM, the village government has issued a Decree (SK).
Now, Bengkarek Village PATBM continues to provide education to the community, so that every incident of violence against children in Bengkarek Village can be identified and get assistance from the PATBM team.
Written by: Widiyanto Kristiawan, CESP Area Coordinator for Wahana Visi Indonesia's Kubu Raya Program