Sharing Covid-19 Information through Loudspeakers

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - The existence of government regulations that require students to carry out learning activities at home in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation makes Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) not turn a blind eye to see the reality that exists. Through the Asmat Hope program in Papua, WVI continues to assist children and the community, especially to learn how to avoid the spread of Covid-19 in Asmat Regency.
The condition of villages in Asmat is generally very different from other regions in Papua. Not only transportation access, access to information, and others are very limited in this district.
Through the use of loudspeakers, WVI uses a simple way to share various information related to Covid-19 in several WVI service areas. Information is played repeatedly to make it easier for people to hear and remember. WVI staff uses a unique way to test whether the community and children hear the information, namely by holding a prize quiz.
The prize quiz is broadcast through loudspeakers and is intended for elementary and middle school students. Emanuel (12) is one of many elementary school students who can answer the quiz. He said he was happy to hear information through the loudspeaker, so he could answer the quiz.
"I am happy to be able to learn to hear from the loudspeaker. I am happy to get a gift of a notebook and pen. (Later) when I go to school, I can use the book," said him happily.
Written by: Solfriamus Dasman, Health Officer of Asmat Hope Wahana Visi Indonesia