Sharing Experiences with Civil Society Organizations

The implementation of the Indonesia COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Response (I-COPE) project has been running since July 2020 and will end in June 2022. This EU-funded project in its second year collaborates with civil society organizations (CSOs) in 6 regions, namely FPMJ (Jakarta), KKIJM (Surabaya), YIS (East Sumba), YHS (Southwest Sumba), DaurMala Foundation (Ternate), and Hohidiai Foundation (North Halmahera).
Implementation of activities in the field together with local CSOs ends in March 2022. In implementing this project, WVI together with CSOs are actively involved in mobilizing local governments and communities in efforts to prevent and spread COVID-19 from the district/city level to villages/subdistricts in their respective regions.
WVI helps improve the capacity and technical capacity of local CSOs. WVI provides various training. This is to support the maximum implementation of the I-COPE project. Right in the second year of the I-COPE project, local CSOs were actively involved in implementing the activities.
CSOs are involved in educating and promoting the prevention and spread of COVID-19, training the community regarding household economic management and being involved in savings and loan groups, training local authorities including the community regarding disaster preparedness, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and finally initiating a preparedness document. disasters based on the COVID-19 pandemic in each region.
Local CSOs are more confident that in the future they will partner with other institutions or organizations. In addition, CSOs can also analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their respective institutions to improve in the future when partnering. In terms of technical capabilities, CSOs feel that they have been sufficiently capacitated regarding COVID-19, disaster preparedness, household economy and sustainability, financial and human resource management, etc.
This sharing platform is realized in the National Forum of Civil Society Organizations. Through this meeting, CSOs shared about the challenges and obstacles found when partnering with WVI and when implementing activities in the field together with the community. The forum for this meeting can also be a shared lesson for both WVI and each local CSO to be able to identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each organization or institution.
Nurdewa Safar, Director of the Daulat Perempuan Foundation of North Maluku (DaurMala) said the various collaborations that had been carried out with WVI provided an opportunity for CSOs to assess the internal capacity of each institution in practicing various activities in the field.
"WVI helps our institution a lot, especially in carrying out various jobs in the community and we are more confident when in the future we will partner with other institutions outside WVI," said Nurdewa.
Written by: Mangara Tua Sitohang, Ternate I-COPE Project Coordinator, Wahana Visi Indonesia