Simple Water Filters Help Families Receive Clean Water

Drinking water and sanitation are basic human needs. The Indonesian government aspires by the end of 2019 to achieve universal access to drinking water and sanitation. This means that one hundred percent of the people get proper drinking water and sanitation services.
This is stated in Law 17 of 2007 concerning the Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-2025. The RPJPN mandates that basic drinking water and sanitation services can be enjoyed by all Indonesians.
To realize these ideals, of course, requires the participation of all levels of society. To support universal access for the 2018 fiscal year, Wahana Visi Indonesia Area Program (WVI AP) Bengkulu Selatan provided water filter training to nine villages in Pino Raya Regency.
Based on observations, people in ten assisted villages in Pino Raya District use water from the Pino River to meet their daily water needs. The water quality of this river is not suitable to drink for children, so a simple water filter is made to reduce water contamination which can have a bad impact on children's health.
This water filter is expected to reduce the potential for diseases caused by unhealthy water quality.
In this training, local policymakers or decision makers as well as cadres are also involved.
Written by: Staff of Area Program Bengkulu Selatan Wahana Visi Indonesia