Small Savings Save Satriani’s Life

Satriani, a-30-years old woman, is the wife of a cocoa farmer who is also a member of the Cinta Damai farmer group assisted by Cocoa Life, which is a collaboration program between Mondelez International and Wahana Visi Indonesia in Leoran village, Enrekang regency. As an honorarium teacher as well as a housewife, the mother of two children always participates in every Cocoa Life program activity. Satriani got a lot of knowledge from the program including Household Economic Management (PERT) which affects the positive changes in financial arrangements in her household.
In addition to relying on the income from her husband who works as a farmer, she also has income from the business of making brown sugar and of course an honorarium as a teacher. However, with this income, it is very difficult for them to set aside income to buy equipment to support their household business and for their plantation maintenance needs.
Previously, Satriani thought that saving was always only in large amounts and was only used to meet the necessary daily needs and other very important needs. However, with the PERT knowledge, she changes her mind. She now understands that small savings can add up to big money.
Wahana Visi Indonesia through the Cocoa Life Program funded by Mondelez International presents Village Saving Loan Association (VSLA) activities in its village. VSLA was introduced to every community assisted by Cocoa Life to be implemented in every farmer group to bring change in improving their household economy so that it would e well managed.
Through the VSLA, Satriani started to increase her knowledge about the importance of saving even in a small nominal amount that had been agreed with the members around Rp 10,000 per share with weekly meetings. Since joining VSLA, Satriani has started to set aside every income for savings. Satriani and her husband have also purchased equipment to support the brown sugar business as well as agricultural needs and can set aside the needs of their child who is still in kindergarten. In addition, the money from the savings is also used to renovate her house mainly the floor part of the house. Now, the income from the business that is run with her husband starts to increase. The increase motivates them to continue to work hard together so that every week they can set aside income to save.
With the positive change, Satriani starts to motivate her children and other farmers to save.
“I start educating my children to learn to save money from an early age so that they have good habits for the future because I have received so many benefits from this VSLA activity. Finally, I also start to socialize the activity to other members. Now, there is a VSLA group which is already running. The group is currently entering the second cycle,” she said.
Satriani is very grateful for VSLA in her village. The government's support has enabled this program to continue until now. The community in Satriani village are increasingly active and motivated to develop themselves in activities in the village, both in increasing knowledge and improving the household economy.
Written by:Oktavianti Mariana Field Facilitator-Cocoa Life South Sulawesi
Translated by: Klaudia Mawuntu, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia